Sunday, October 19, 2008

Seasonal Falling

1. Today I walked to class and it was perfect.

Steely clouds rolled across the sky. Cold wind whipped through the buildings on campus. Fire colored leaves shook in the breeze, quivered, spiraled to the ground.

I clutched an apple, fingers cold. The sharp snaps of the crisp apple kept me company on my walk. Frigid juice filled my mouth with the flavors of fall.

2. This weekend I went home and it was perfect.

Brilliant trees, animals, corn mazes, pumpkins, Mama's food, fires, stars, and guitars. My wonderful friends met my wonderful family; my two worlds collided and exploded into something even more beautiful than I would have guessed.

The trip back to school was easier, because I had the best of both worlds all weekend, New Friends and Wonderful Family, a dual existence bridging the gap between my two lives.

3. I woke up this morning with a happy sadness, a hollow fullness; this part of my life is fleeting, yes. But it's beautiful. I miss my family and I adore my friends, but times when they are all together is rare. This chapter is like a fall day, on the edge of change, about to turn into something completely different, but today? Today it is what it is.

And it is perfect.


ttcrook said...

hmmm, interesting, you dont do much poetry do you? It seems like a creative writing minor would do more.

Lucky Girl said...

I LOVE seeing how enamored you are with your busy, tumultuous life.

So alive and in the moment!

Lucky Girl said...

We miss you, Dolly. Throw us a bone. It doesn't have to be much, a few words will suffice.